Studying Psychology at Kenyon

The psychology curriculum includes courses in statistics and research methodology, as well as social, cognitive, clinical, cross-cultural and developmental psychology. Students have opportunities for independent and lab-based work with faculty examining a wide range of subfields, from media psychology to gender to behavioral neuroscience and pharmacology.

  • 110students a year pursue College-funded research projects in the humanities, natural sciences and social sciences.

  • Futures in Medicine

    More than 90 percent of Kenyon applicants with solid grades and test scores are accepted to medical school. Learn more about premed advising.

  • $1Mgrant from the the Howard Hughes Medical Institute

    The grant is one of several that Kenyon scientists have earned to foster a more inclusive and diverse scientific community.

Phone Number
Email Address
Department of Psychology 
Samuel Mather Hall 
Kenyon College
Gambier, Ohio 43022