Islamic Civilizations and Cultures focuses on the study of Islamic civilizations as a global and multi-cultural phenomenon. There are currently more than a billion Muslims in the world. They live in dozens of countries — across continents — and speak hundreds of languages and dialects. They are the majority population in many countries including Senegal, Morocco and Indonesia.
The focus and purpose of this concentration is to study systemically and coherently the global civilization of Islam and its religious traditions, histories and cultures in all of its diversity.
Photo credit: Sarah Gold ’15, Casablanca, Morocco.
Featured Courses
Introduction to Asian and Middle East Studies
This first-year seminar situates the study of Asia and the Middle East in the context of the global humanities. As a sampler of the rich diversity of Asian and Islamicate humanities, the course explores various sources from different places and periods, from the medieval Middle East to contemporary Chinese science fiction.
History of Mathematics in the Islamic World
Some of the most fundamental notions in modern mathematics have their roots in the Islamic world, such as the modern number system, the fields of algebra and trigonometry, and the concept of algorithm. This course unites math with history and social science, bringing history and religion into the mathematical mix.
Islam’s Diverse Paths
The religion of Islam is a diverse tradition that includes more than a billion adherents across the globe and dominates a region stretching from Morocco to Indonesia. Study the development of Islam and Islamic institutions from the time of the Prophet Muhammad through the emergence of the Sufi tradition in the late medieval period.
Middle East through Film and Fiction
Both film and fiction have played significant roles in the so-called “Modern Middle East” as means of interpreting the past as well as constructing present realities and issues. This seminar uses novels and film as lenses to explore major historical dynamics and trends in the history of this region in the 20th century.
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