Studying Biochemistry & Molecular Biology at Kenyon
This interdisciplinary program offers majors in biochemistry, which explores the structure and function of biologically important compounds, and molecular biology, which focuses on how molecules convert information into chemical reactions. Kenyon’s innovative blend of biology and chemistry is rooted in research and hands-on experimentation, allowing students to engage in high-level, cutting-edge work that is usually not experienced until graduate school.
110students a year pursue College-funded research projects in the humanities, natural sciences and social sciences.
Futures in Medicine
More than 90 percent of Kenyon applicants with solid grades and test scores are accepted to medical school. Learn more about premed advising.
$1Mgrant from the the Howard Hughes Medical Institute
The grant is one of several that Kenyon scientists have earned to foster a more inclusive and diverse scientific community.
Featured Courses
Cell Signaling
Cell signaling, a molecular choreography, allows cells to respond to changes in their internal and external environment. This course introduces students to this vast and exciting field of study which underpins one of the pillars of life: the ability of organisms to sense and respond to changing conditions.
Advance Lab: Biochemistry
An introduction to fundamental laboratory techniques in biochemistry, this course takes advantage of Kenyon’s state of the art laboratory facilities. During weekly intensive lab periods, students practice the isolation, purification, characterization and detailed kinetic analysis of an enzyme of interest.
Instrumental Analysis
Is your water safe? How do you know what compounds are in your local environment, food and body? How do you measure and quantify these compounds, and convince yourself that your measurements are valid? This course explores the theory and practice of quantitative chemical analysis.
Gene Manipulation
This skills lab course teaches fundamental methods of gene isolation, manipulation and characterization. Techniques include the isolation of DNA and RNA from tissues and cells, recombinant DNA technique, expression of genes in heterologous systems, the polymerase chain reaction, measurement of gene expression and more.
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Kenyon College
Gambier, Ohio 43022