Where will you be in five, 10, or even 20 years? From your very first day at Kenyon, faculty and staff are here to help you explore and shape your career path for the short and long term. 

Interns shape the future.

Every year, Kenyon students apply their knowledge and insight to solving real-world problems in the industries they one day hope to shape.

Every summer, Kenyon students fan out to work in a variety of settings—from corporate towers to urban gardens to major league stadiums.


The desire to learn more

Nearly one-fifth of Kenyon students continue directly to graduate or professional schools after graduation. And for students applying to business and law schools, 99% are accepted.

Connect to experience.

Tap into the expansive global network of Kenyon alumni and parent career mentors who offer their invaluable insight and support with job shadowing, resume reviews, internships and interviews.

Through a job shadow with set decorator Rosemary Brandenburg ’78, a film major experienced the ins and outs of a professional production.


“I’ll occasionally see Kenyon bumper stickers on cars, and I’ll stop and put my business card in the window.”

Prep for the future.

Grow your contacts. Secure prestigious internships. Design a resume that shines. These are just a few ways our Career Development Office helps you prepare for the future.

Meet Kenyon Alumni

  • Nadia Reiman appears on computer screen alongside Ira Glass Podcast Pioneer - related audio Running time: 50:00

    The Kenyon Review speaks to Nadia Reiman ’05, who produced an episode of “This American Life” that received the first Pulitzer Prize for audio reporting.

  • After discovering playwriting at Kenyon, Will Arbery '11 received critical acclaim for his thought-provoking productions. Arbery was a Whiting Award winner and Pulitzer finalist in the same year.

  • In the Halls of Power

    Kenyon Alumni Magazine

    One of the top photojournalists in D.C., Erin Schaff '11 gets an up-close look at America’s leading political figures. Read the stories behind her headline-making images, included in Time Magazine's Photos of the Year.
