In addition to the blog posts below, writing consultants also offer tips specifically for science writing.

Douglass Day 2023

by Audrey Chen '25 and Ryan Madison '24

Douglass Day is one great way to preserve Black history for the next generation. In this era of banning books, limiting what we can access and deliberately misunderstanding CRT, Douglass Day offers hope and an outlet for celebrating Black history.


By Molly Fording '23

When used correctly, a well-placed semicolon can help control the flow of your writing. It can add a needed change to your typical punctuation style, and lend an air of sophistication to your paper, email, blog post, or any other piece of writing. When used incorrectly, the effect is… well, not as great. So, here’s how to use semicolons correctly!

The Value of Freewriting

By Davida Harris '22

What is freewriting and what are the benefits? Learn how to free-write, and hopefully, these tips will help you during your writing journey.


By Paige Bullock '21

Learn how to provide and interpret evidence, justify your interpretation and make your final claim.

Equity in Writing

By Bennet Andrassy

Learn how to articulate your argument in a respectful way to other beliefs and ideologies.

A Guide to Citation Resources

By Sonya Marx

An aide to help navigate the world of citations and some resources you could use to better your understanding of each one.