What is a Semicolon?
A semicolon is a punctuation mark that can link two or more independent clauses that are closely related. It can link independent clauses that are connected by conjunctive adverbs or transitional phrases. Also, it can be used to separate items in a list. Like a period or a comma, it signals a brief pause that helps to control the flow of a text. However, the semicolon is not interchangeable with a period or a comma; it implies a longer pause than a comma, but is not as strong as a period.
How to Use a Semicolon?
The most common use for a semicolon is to connect two independent clauses. The words before the semicolon should form a complete sentence, and after the semicolon should form another complete sentence which is closely and logically related to the first sentence.
Example: “Maria was tired of working in the bakery; she was on her feet all day and always got home late.”
A semicolon can also be used when you have two independent clauses joined together with a conjunctive adverb or a transitional phrase. A conjunctive adverb is a word that brings together two complete sentences. These are words like furthermore, likewise, however, still, meanwhile, etc. A transitional phrase is very similar to a conjunctive adverb, as these phrases are used to smoothly transition from one idea to the next. Examples include as well as, in other words, as a result, in conclusion, and on the contrary.
Examples: “The detective was suspicious; however, this lead looked promising.”
“The teacher made a mistake in her grading; as a result, she received many emails from upset students.”
Finally, you can use a semicolon to separate items in a list, if any of the items are long or contain internal punctuation, like commas. This helps a reader understand what the list items actually are without getting confused by any other information in the list.
Example: “She had packed quite a lot for the picnic: three baguettes, fresh from the bakery; several types of jam, so everyone could choose their favorite; a pitcher of ice-cold lemonade, which she hoped would last them most of the day; and an enormous bowl of cherries.”
Common Mistakes:
Here are a few examples of how NOT to use a semicolon.
• Don’t capitalize the first word after a semicolon — it’s not the same as a period! Only capitalize the word following a semicolon if it is a proper noun or an acronym.
• Don’t use a semicolon to connect non-independent clauses; for that, you need a comma.
Incorrect: “Because he loved animals; he agreed to watch his friend’s cat.”
Correct: “Because he loved animals, he agreed to watch his friend’s cat.”
• Don’t use a semicolon with a conjunction. A conjunction is a word that links independent clauses (and, or, but). If you’re using a semicolon, you don’t need to use a conjunction.
Incorrect: “She was so happy to have gotten the job; and she started packing immediately for her move across the country.”
Correct: “She was so happy to have gotten the job; she started packing immediately for her move across the country.”
I hope this article was helpful! Go forth and use semicolons to improve your writing and dazzle your professors.
• www.grammarly.com/blog/semicolon
• writing.wisc.edu/handbook/grammarpunct/semicolons