While faculty members and administrators stand ready to counsel students about degree requirements, the final responsibility for meeting those requirements rests with the individual student. In addition, all information in this self-audit can be found in the Kenyon course catalog and Degree Evaluations Information page.

Restrictions or Limitations on Credit

A maximum of 3.00 units of the 16.00 units required for graduation may be earned on a Pass/D/Fail and Credit/No Credit basis (this does not include PHSD classes that are automatically graded on a pass/fail basis). If you have declared your major, you CANNOT take a course in the department of your major on a Pass/D/Fail basis.

A maximum of .50 units of PHSD courses are allowed for application toward your degree.

AP and IB credits do not count towards diversification. They do however, count towards your 16.00 units for graduation, credit outside your major, and can also be used to fulfill your language requirement (scores of 3, 4, or 5 on AP and 6 or 7 on High Level IB). A maximum of 3.0 units of AP/IB credit are allowed for application toward your degree. AP/IB credit may not be substituted for a semester of residency at the College.

No more than 3.0 units of summer school credit may be credited to the Kenyon degree. Credit earned in summer school may not be counted as a substitution for a semester of residency at the College.

Please note: Kenyon will not accept transfer credit or test scores for which transfer credit will be granted more than one year after the completion of the coursework/testing (except in the case of a student admitted to Kenyon as a transfer student).

Questions regarding your major, minor or concentration should be directed to the department chair or program director.

Questions or Concerns

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your collegiate requirements, please stop by the Office of the Registrar.