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Submit a Class Note to Kenyon
for 2025 Spring Class Letters and a future issue of the Kenyon Alumni Magazine
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Your email
First Name
Your answer
Last Name
Your answer
Last Name as a Student
(leave blank if different from above and you do NOT want it included in a publication)
Your answer
How would you like your name listed if your note is selected to appear in the Alumni Magazine?
Your answer
Four Digit Class Year
Your answer
Your Class Note
Your answer
Is there any additional information you’d like us to keep in mind when editing your class note (e.g., pronouns, nickname, title, credentials)? If so, please list it here.
Your answer
We rely upon the good judgment of our alumni to ensure the success of class notes. Thank you for helping to make this a positive place for alumni.
I confirm that I am submitting this class note on my own behalf and that, to the best of my knowledge, it contains no false information.
Please do NOT share my news with the Alumni Magazine editors
Do not share my class note.
Send me a copy of my responses.
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